The Aboriginal Health & Wellness Centre of Winnipeg Inc.

Angela Saskosky
Telephone: 204-925-3704

The Aboriginal Health & Wellness Centre of Winnipeg Inc. Head Start Program promotes healthy child development to First Nations, Métis, and Inuit children, who are 3 and 4 years old. The program follows six important components which are: Nutrition, Parental Involvement, Social Support, Culture and Language, Health Promotion, and Education.

Head Start operates from September to June with 28 spots available for children residing in and around the core area of Winnipeg. Aboriginal Health & Wellness provides transportation for up to 18 children which is maximum capacity for our bus. The children are picked up between 9:00am and 9:30am and are dropped off at home between 3:30pm and 4:00pm.

The children take part in an assortment of learning activities through-out the year and the teacher’s assistants follow an educational curriculum which includes Numbers, Letters, Music, Games, Life Skills, Arts & Crafts, Gross/Fine Motor, Science, Library, Health, Drama, Nutrition, Computers, Social Studies, Culture and Language, and Physical activities. The children are provided with nutritional meals and snacks which are prepared by the cook who creates the menu with the on-site nutritionist. There is a Year End Celebration in June to honour the children and graduates for their participation and accomplishments.

The summer Head Start program operates from July to August with 15 spots available for children residing in and around the core area of Winnipeg who are not part of the regular Head Start program. The summer program is similar to the regular program in the fact that children participate in learning activities and are provided with transportation and healthy meals. The summer program has weekly field trips and lots of great learning activities for the children.

Parents are encouraged to be part of the Parent Advisory Committee, volunteer in the kitchen and participate in all the daily activities we share with the children such as arts & crafts and story time.

If you are interested in registering for the Head Start program or you would like more information, please contact Angela Saskosky at 925-3704 or